Disclaimer sfakia-crete.com
About your rights, your privacy and our copyright on this web site
This is the disclaimer and privacy policy belonging to the web site www.sfakia-crete.com.
Privacy statement
The Sfakia-Crete.com web site collects the following information from users:
- A record of your visit and logs the following information for statistical purposes - the user's IP address, the date and time of the visit to the site, the pages accessed and documents downloaded, the previous site visited and the type of browser used. No attempt will be made to identify users or their browsing activities except, in the unlikely event of an investigation, where a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect our service provider's logs. This information is analysed at the end of each month to determine the site's usage statistics.
- Sfakia-Crete.com retains the e-mail address of people who send E-mails through the "Contact Us" facility, for the purpose of sending a response. They are stored in a secure area within our Message Services System and will not be used for any other purpose nor disclosed without your consent.
- People
who submit web sites for registration on Sfakia-Crete.com,
are asked to supply the following information:
* Name
* Agency
* Phone number
* e-mail address
This information is used to establish ownership of the material and enables the Sfakia-Crete.com team to contact website administrators/content owners, to confirm (or not) the site registration and advise them of the location and category within Sfakia-Crete.com where their website link has been placed. The information is then kept for contact purposes in the course of monitoring site currency. The information is stored in a secure area of the Sfakia-Crete.com system. - No personal details are provided to any other individual or organisation, and access to this information is restricted to members of the Sfakia-Crete.com team.
Please note that Sfakia-Crete.com contains links to a number of other web sites that are included on the basis of containing content related to the Region of Sfakia, Crete and/ or Greece. When a user has clicked on a link to another site, they leave the Sfakia-Crete.com site and are no longer protected by the Sfakia-Crete.com Privacy conditions.
We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our website. These companies may use information (not including your name, address, email address, or telephone number) about your visits to this and other websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by these companies, click here.
The general privacy policy of Google is here.
This website utilizes Google Analytics features, including Google Display Network Impression Reporting, and Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting. No personally identifiable information is collected or stored by us through these systems. In addition, we will not facilitate the merging of personally-identifiable information with non-personally identifiable information without the user’s notice and consent of the merger.
Visitors can opt-out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising and customize Google Display Network ads using Google Ads Settings.
We do not disclose information about you or information that you may give us, such as your name, address, email address or telephone number, to any outside companies or parties. We do not rent, sell, trade or share any of the personal information we collect through our contact or reservation forms, or our forum.
You can always send a request for inspection, correction, deletion, transfer of your personal data or request for cancellation of your consent or objection to the processing of your personal data to sfakia-crete.com through our contact page.
This privacy statement is periodically reviewed in line with the ongoing development of the Sfakia-Crete.com Website, and with legal requirements.
Sfakia-Crete.com grants visitors to the site a licence to download, display, print and reproduce this material for private use or use within your organisation, for non-commercial purposes only. No licence to publish, communicate, modify, commercialise or alter this material is granted. For reproduction or use of the Sfakia-Crete.com copyright material beyond this limited licence, permission must be sought from the owner and publisher of the Sfakia-Crete.com site. That permission, if given, will be subject to conditions that will include a requirement that the copyright owner's name and interest in the material be acknowledged when the material is reproduced or quoted, either in whole or in part. No permission to reproduce or use the Sfakia-Crete.com's copyright material, other than that expressly stated above, is to be implied by the availability of that material on this site.
Further legal information
- Use of the information and data contained on this WWW site on these pages is at your sole risk.
- If you rely on the information on this Site you are responsible for ensuring by independent verification its accuracy, currency or completeness.
- All linked websites are linked "as is" and Sfakia-Crete.com:
- do not sponsor, endorse or necessarily approve of any material on sites linked from or to this Site;
- do not make any warranties or representations regarding the quality, accuracy, merchantability or fitness for purpose of any material on sites linked from or to this Site;
- do not make any warranties or representations that material on other web sites to which this site is linked does not infringe the intellectual property rights of any person anywhere in the world; and
- do not authorise the infringement of any intellectual property rights contained in material in other sites by linking this Site to those other sites.
- If you use automatic language translation services in connection with this Site you do so at your own risk.
- The information and data on this Site is subject to change without notice. Sfakia-Crete.com may revise this Disclaimer at any time by updating this posting.
- Sfakia-Crete.com
- make no representations, express or implied, as to the accuracy of the information and data contained on this Site;
- make no representations, express or implied, as to the accuracy or usefulness of any translation of the information on this Site or any linked site into another language;
- make no representations as to the availability of the site;
- accept no liability for any use of the said information and data or reliance placed on it (including translated information and data);
- make no representations, either expressed or implied, as to the suitability of the said information and data for any particular purpose;
- accept no liability for any interference with or damage to a user's computer, software or data occurring in connection with or relating to this site or its use or any site linked to this site.
Dit is de verklaring van afstand van aansprakelijkheid behorende bij de website www.sfakia-crete.com.
Privacy verklaring
U kunt deze website bezoeken zonder ons mee te delen wie u bent of enige informatie over uzelf te verschaffen. Er zijn echter situaties waarbij wij informatie van u nodig hebben om bijvoorbeeld met u te corresponderen, een reservering te plaatsen dan wel een inschrijving te verwezenlijken. Wij streven ernaar u dat te allen tijde te laten weten voordat wij persoonlijke informatie via internet verzamelen.
Deze website houdt door middel van een statistisch programma het aantal bezoekers bij, de websites waar zij van afkomstig zijn en via welke provider men toegang heeft tot het internet. De resultaten worden uitsluitend in geaggregeerde en in niet tot individuele personen herleidbare vorm gebruikt.
Verzamelde (persoons)gegevens worden niet aan derden verkocht of ter beschikking gesteld. Dit behoudens speciale omstandigheden, bijvoorbeeld indien wettelijk vereist. Tevens kunt u op ieder gewenst moment verzoeken uw gegevens uit onze bestanden te laten verwijderen.
Overige juridische informatie
De maker(s) van deze website betrachten uiterste zorgvuldigheid bij het vervaardigen, samenstellen en verspreiden van de informatie op deze website, maar kan/ kunnen op geen enkele wijze instaan voor de juistheid of volledigheid hiervan. Sfakia-Crete.com aanvaardt geen enkele verantwoordelijkheid voor schade op welke manier dan ook ontstaan door gebruik, onvolledigheid of onjuistheid van de aangeboden informatie op deze website.
De informatie en aanbevelingen op deze website kunnen zonder voorafgaande waarschuwing of kennisgeving worden gewijzigd.
Het auteursrecht op deze website berust bij de eigenaar van Sfakia-Crete.com, of bij derden welke met toestemming (beeld)materiaal beschikbaar hebben gesteld aan Sfakia-Crete.com. Vermenigvuldiging in wat voor vorm dan ook is alleen toegestaan na voorafgaande toestemming door de eigenaar van Sfakia-Crete.com.
Google Analytics
Deze website maakt gebruik van Google Analytics, een webanalyse-service die wordt aangeboden door Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics maakt gebruik van “cookies” (tekstbestandjes die op Uw computer worden geplaatst) om de website te helpen analyseren hoe gebruikers de site gebruiken. De door het cookie gegenereerde informatie over Uw gebruik van de website (met inbegrip van Uw IP-adres) wordt overgebracht naar en door Google opgeslagen op servers in de Verenigde Staten. Google gebruikt deze informatie om bij te houden hoe u de website gebruikt, rapporten over de website-activiteit op te stellen voor website-exploitanten en andere diensten aan te bieden met betrekking tot website-activiteit en internetgebruik. Google mag deze informatie aan derden verschaffen indien Google hiertoe wettelijk wordt verplicht, of voor zover deze derden de informatie namens Google verwerken. Google zal Uw IP-adres niet combineren met andere gegevens waarover Google beschikt. U kunt het gebruik van cookies weigeren door in Uw browser de daarvoor geëigende instellingen te kiezen. Wij wijzen u er echter op dat u in dat geval wellicht niet alle mogelijkheden van deze website kunt benutten. Door gebruik te maken van deze website geeft u toestemming voor het verwerken van de informatie door Google op de wijze en voor de doeleinden zoals hiervoor omschreven.